
November 6, 2023

Pocket Gamer Connects London 2024: 10 Years of Gaming Industry Networking and Success

Emily Tremblay
Written byEmily TremblayWriter

Pocket Gamer Connects is a conference that aims to bring the gaming industry together for learning, networking, and building new business partnerships. In 2024, the conference will be celebrating its 10th anniversary, starting with Pocket Gamer Connects London 2024 on January 22nd to 23rd.

Pocket Gamer Connects London 2024: 10 Years of Gaming Industry Networking and Success

Reflecting on the Last 10 Years

As part of the conference's look back at the last 10 years, attendees have been sharing their best stories from the show floor and how the conference has helped them in their business and career. Quicksave CEO Elina Arponen and Popcore senior ASO manager Marina Roglic have shared their favorite PGC memories.

Creating Connections and Deals

Elina Arponen, CEO and co-founder of Quicksave, credits PGC London for creating connections with the people who ultimately acquired her first company. She recalls meeting with the acquiring team at PGC London and discussing overarching strategies with her co-founders. Arponen has also been a speaker at PGC events on multiple occasions.

Building Careers and Profiles

Marina Roglic, senior ASO manager at Popcore, has used PGC to build her career and industry profile. She made it her mission to speak at PGC Helsinki to establish herself as an expert and speaker in the mobile marketing field. Roglic values the exposure to industry professionals and the wealth of insights and knowledge shared during the conference.

Join the Experience

Whether you're interested in learning about industry trends, gaining development insights, networking with peers, or signing new partnerships, PGC London offers something for everyone. Book your tickets now for the event taking place on January 22nd to 23rd, 2024.

Click here to purchase tickets

About the author
Emily Tremblay
Emily Tremblay

Emily, a dynamic blend of tech-savvy and casino enthusiast, hails from the snowy landscapes of Canada. With her innate grasp of cultural nuances, she ensures online casino guides resonate deeply with Canadians. Emily's spirited and engaging nature makes her a favourite among peers.

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